Možno tak trochu príliš červená pre tento svet. A možno aj vďaka nej bude farebnejší. Prišla s jarou a doniesla so sebou malinový pocit slobody. Opustené cesty, skoré rána a spánok pod holým nebom, platonické úniky z pazúrov veľkomesta.
Cotswolds is a pictersque country northwest of London. Many small villages are popular tourist attractions of local tourists. I always wanted to go there, but because the area is so large, one really needs his own transport to appreciate it. Now with my Malina, I finally had the chance to explore Cotswolds…
My very first journey went down to the sea. White chalk cliffs on the south of England called Seven Sisters, of whom the highest one is called Beachy Head, were my first destination. And it has been amazing.